Join us as we explore what it means to be a successful lawyer, a professional and a good person in 2018 and beyond.
By Darlene Tonelli, July 24, 2018.
Top lawyers choose to practice in association with Inter Alia Law for different reasons. For some, it’s the caliber of our clients and the strength and camraderie of the team. For others, it’s the flexibility and support that the business model offers.
I think that’s why the name “Inter Alia Law” makes so much sense. The model is built on, among other things: lifestyle, professionalism, technology, and philosophy. Each of the lawyers is here for one or more of these, and the most important unifying interest we all share is providing top level service to our clients.
As the founder of Inter Alia, my main interest is creating a business model that allows me to help other lawyers build the sense of freedom I’ve enjoyed in the first five years since I left the more traditional legal world. I do this in part because I like helping and sharing knowledge with others, but also because it’s just good business. Happy, interested lawyers make great lawyers.
So where do we start?
If you’d like to hear more, join us. Each installment of this Lawyer Life Blog series will highlight some basic, actionable steps that any professional can take to start the re-education process. We’ll also share relevant articles and commentary on this theme, and go deeper into all of it in our upcoming podcast.
Everyone has his or her own definition of what freedom means. Think about what yours is. Then let’s peel back, layer by layer, what is standing in between you and that freedom and examine what we find.
Join us on our journey. It starts right now!