Our 2020, 2019 & 2018 BLOG EXPLORATIONS.

In our Blog Archives, you will find our past series of posts where we explored what it meant to be a successful lawyer and a good person.

We examined how to be happy within a law firm as well as  why happiness is so important for your life as a lawyer.

We cover these topics in more detail, with a few laughs thrown in, on our Lawyer Life Podcast, winner of the 2019 Canadian Law Blog Awards for Best Podcast.

2019 Best Law Podcast Award.

2018 Best Business of Law Blog Award.
Thank you Canadian Law Blog Awards

Inter Alia’s 2020 Series:

Top Tips for NDAs: Part 3.

Top Tips for NDAs: Part 3.

by Vivian Leung In Part 1 of this post, we suggested starting with a mutual NDA to reduce markups and negotiations. We also said that there are instances where a one-way NDA is more appropriate. For example, with certain vendors or in your employment agreements. But...

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Top Tips for NDAs: Part 2.

Top Tips for NDAs: Part 2.

by Vivian Leung Further to Part 1 of this blog post, here are some additional tips when reviewing NDAs:   1. Remedies. Okay, this part will sound very legal but the concept is simple. In a typical breach of contract case, the common law remedies are damages,...

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Top Tips for NDAs : Part 1.

Top Tips for NDAs : Part 1.

by Vivian Leung Some clients, especially those without in-house counsel, struggle with confidentiality agreements and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). NDAs are ubiquitous, follow a fairly standard format, and are fairly short documents. “Surely I don’t need to run...

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Top 5 Tips for Corporate Governance

by Dunia El - jawhari. The ultimate goal of corporate governance is to provide strong decision-making processes, which lead to transparency for stakeholders within and outside of the company.The bad news is that stakeholders love transparency, and without good...

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Tip #1: Improve Dense, Confusing, or Outdated Templates

Tip #1: Improve Dense, Confusing, or Outdated Templates

by Mike Anderson, Vivian Leung, and Chris Sanz. When in good condition, templates can ease cognitive load. A great template can make an in-house lawyer welcome drafting a deal from his or her own paper.  It’s possible to make it easy and quick to find the fields that...

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Tip #2: Minimize Impractical Outside Advice

Tip #2: Minimize Impractical Outside Advice

by Mike Anderson, Vivian Leung, and Chris Sanz. In-house legal teams use outside counsel to make their jobs easier, not harder. That said, we all have (somehow) received an email or memo from outside counsel that reads more like a treatise than a solution.This can be...

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Tip #3: Stand Down Sheriff

Tip #3: Stand Down Sheriff

by Mike Anderson, Vivian Leung, and Chris Sanz. It can feel like the wild west when companies have a high turnover, fast pace, or general lack of process. For start-ups and scale-ups, this is common. In these situations, legal teams may be asked to act as the...

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Tip #4: Find a Home for Misfit Issues

Tip #4: Find a Home for Misfit Issues

by Mike Anderson, Vivian Leung, and Chris Sanz. In-house lawyers are sent "misfit issues" that don’t have a natural ‘home.’  Often, these problems are complicated and related to new business activities that the company hasn’t fully thought through yet.While it’s...

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Tip #5: Turn Down the Volume on The Loudest Voice

Tip #5: Turn Down the Volume on The Loudest Voice

by Mike Anderson, Vivian Leung, and Chris Sanz. The person most comfortable seeking ASAP drafts and sending daily (if not hourly) follow-ups may wind up setting priorities for an in-house legal team. We call that person the “loudest voice”. Often, the loudest voice...

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Inter Alia’s third series:

Inter Alia’s second series:

Inter Alia’s First Series:

Going your own way

Going your own way

By Darlene Tonelli, September 5, 2018
Unplugging from the need for approval when you’ve decided to go your own way.

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So what happens now?

So what happens now?

By Darlene Tonelli, August 28, 2018
So you’ve decided to make a move – or maybe you’ve already made it. Now what?

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One day or Day One. You decide.

One day or Day One. You decide.

By Darlene Tonelli, August 21, 2018.
This week, we’re continuing our look into how to give lawyers the tools they need to make a change toward a career that serves them and their clients.

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The Whole Story…

The Whole Story…

By Darlene Tonelli, August 7, 2018.
It’s time to talk about your WHOLE story… (not only the parts you’re willing to admit).

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Finding Freedom and Happiness in Law

Finding Freedom and Happiness in Law

By Darlene Tonelli, July 24, 2018.
Everyone has a definition of what freedom means. Think about what yours is. Then let’s peel back, layer by layer, what is standing in between you and that freedom…

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