
Inter Alia started working with Pacific Content Company in 2016, just shortly after the company was founded.

Pacific Content is an award-winning podcast agency working passionately at the intersection of brand strategy and high-quality audio storytelling. They have created podcasts for companies like Slack, Dell, and Facebook, and were recently acquired by Rogers Media.

Starting Point


When Inter Alia first met Pacific Content, Pacific Content did not know what was required from a legal perspective and how to manage their risks within their budget. They didn’t really know where to start. They described themselves as “overwhelmed by lawyers and the scope of work leading to inevitable huge bills which we would incur if we called and asked the questions we needed to ask“.


We wanted to help Pacific Content bring their brilliant idea to life by using legal as an enhancement to their business model and a tool to help define the company’s brand voice, culture and reputation. We used the contract framework to amplify the culture of easy and relationship-focused deal-making they wanted to create.


According to Rob Leadley, Pacific Content Company’s CFO/COO, “Inter Alia worked with us virtually as if they were part of our team from day one, hands off when necessary, and hands on/immediately responsive when necessary. They helped us understand risk, but also gave practical advice on what that risk meant, and suggested ways to minimize it. Inter Alia’s strategic approach to legal services made the legal arm of our business a competitive advantage.”

To find out how we did this, CONTACT US. We’ll provide our detailed case study for your review and do an initial consultation on how we can help you.


  • Pacific Content was acquired by Rogers Media in early 2019.
  • The case study is a proof point for the idea that a small investment in setting up a good legal infrastructure for a company in the early days is possible, at a reasonable budget, and can be a key driver of additional value in an exit scenario.

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