Steer your own ship.

Steer your own Darlene Tonelli, November 4, 2019. This is the last post in our blog series on how the traditional model fosters unhappiness for lawyers. Certainly, the business model needs to be tweaked. A few key elements of the law firm model could be...

Balancing Act

Balancing Darlene Tonelli, July 10, 2019. In this post, I’m looking at how “life outside the office” is treated in a traditional law firm model, and the way heightened status is afforded to those who sacrifice their lives to meet the objectives of the firm. The...

Just say no to ego

Just say no… to ego by Darlene Tonelli, May 15, 2019. In this series, I’m trying to identify why the traditional law firm model causes misery to so many lawyers. My thought is that if we can call this stuff out and talk about it honestly, we can build a model...

Going your own way

Unplugging from the need for approval from others… by Darlene Tonelli, September 6, 2018.  Doing what’s right is not always easy. We live in a society where anything or anybody who stands up or stands out is criticized for being too loud or too smart or too fat...

So what happens now?

So you’ve decided to make a move – or maybe you’ve already made it. Now what? by Darlene Tonelli, August 28, 2018. This is the sixth part of our eight part series on finding happiness and freedom in the legal profession. We hope we have inspired you to think about why...

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